No one likes the idea of a divorce, but everyone knows they have to prepare if they want to get one. Preparing for divorce ranges from getting up the courage to ask your spouse for a divorce to putting away enough money to hire an attorney. Here are some of the best tips to help you be prepared.

First, make sure you’re as educated about divorce as possible. Know the process and what steps to take. Before you talk to your spouse, start collecting important documents like bank account information and credit information. Take note of your assets; you may even want to take photos.

Next, if you have children, start to plan for their future. If you’re unhappy about how your partner parents, take note of why and get supporting evidence.

Now, talk to your attorney. You’ll need to begin the process by filing a divorce petition. If you want, talk to your spouse beforehand. If not, it’s possible to have it served to him or her when you are not home or to another residence.

Overall, it’s important to focus on the big picture when the marriage starts to crumble. For some, it’s a painful reminder of a marriage that didn’t last, but you need to focus on the end goal. Lean on friends and family if you need to, but focus on what you need to get out of your marriage. Negotiate as if ending your marriage is a business arrangement, because financially, it is.

With the right help, you can end your marriage as quickly and peacefully as possible. Taking steps to gather information ahead of time helps you resolve your divorce faster.

Source: Equitable Mediation, “How to Prepare for Divorce- 54 Experts Share Their Best Tips,” accessed Dec. 21, 2017

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