Child custody cases can quickly become contentious, and without the right mediation, they can turn into child kidnapping cases. While not all parents would turn to such extreme measures, those who feel they have no chance to be with their children might do so.

That appears to be what happened in this case involving a child and his or her father. This is a good example of why you should always take the correct legal path to getting custody of your children.

At around 11:30 a.m., the police went to a residence on East Walnut St. There had been a report of a possible child abduction and home invasion. When they arrived, they discovered that the father of the child inside had been having a dispute about child custody before they arrived.

The father allegedly forced open a door before battering a person inside. He left the area with his child in his vehicle. Within the hour, officers found the man and the child. The child had not been harmed.

The man has now been charged with criminal damage to property and for interfering with a call to 911. He’s also been charged with home invasion. It’s not clear why he decided to take measures into his own hands, but if you’re in a situation where you fear for your child’s life or believe you aren’t getting enough time with your child, you do have options.

Your attorney can help you file a request for modification, so you can seek more time with your child. Every parent deserves a chance to raise his or her child and to spend time with their children as they grow. Getting more time with your child could be as simple as filing the right paperwork.

Source: The Southern, “California man charged with home invasion after allegedly removing child from residence,” accessed Sep. 28, 2017

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